This is a reference to the Rebecca Mayes music video, where she explores the life of a StarCraft 2 addict. In the second part of the 'Roach Evolution' mission, you will witness a female unit named Maye being chased by two creatures named Onyx and Diamond.
One has a dancing Terran Murloc Marine, and the other has a 'Diablo, Lord Of Terror'. Protoss: Colossus, Immortal, Zealot, High Templar Terran: Ghost, Marauder, Marine, Marauder, Thor Zerg: Overlord, Queen, Zergling, Hydralisk, Ultraliskĭuring the 'Roach Evolution' mission, you can find two containers inside a Protoss ship. Select one of the following units, press to display the console window, then type /dance or /cheer. Ypoonsvoicemail or nevergiveupneversurrender Weapons, armor, and shields upgraded by 1 Reversingnazaire, basestarsprimative, or catfoodforprawnguns +5,000 Terrazine Resources in custom maps Note: Enabling cheat codes, except for the ' overengineeredcodpiece' code, will prevent achievements from being earned until a new game is started or a saved game is loaded. Then, type one of the following codes and press to activate the corresponding cheat function. While playing the game, press to display the console window.